We help brands find opportunities in their value chain

We use key environmental metrics correlated with company costs to identify efficiency opportunities for products and brands.  

We enable brands to:

  • Identify opportunities for environmental impact reductions across value chains

  • Calculate environmental and financial supply chain impacts

  • Carry out protocol compliant life cycle analysis


C O C L E A R ’ S U N I Q U E O F F E R I N G – F A S T L C A

CoClear offers fast LCA, an automated product carbon foot-printing process developed by Chief Data Scientist, Dr. Meinrenken.  Our proprietary platform allows companies to conduct LCA’s across entire brands and portfolios.  The intra-company platform can visualize products across a brand or portfolio to encourage ‘shares’ in corporate sustainability and life cycle data analysis.

Speed and access to good information is a natural part of competition.  CoClear delivers a method for all levels of management to participate in improving the life cycle of a product and with it the value of the brand.   Information sharing with our state of the art interactive platform builds participation and refinement.


We work with brands committed to environmental performance improvement.

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  • Corporate level carbon accounting

  • Carbon offset management

  •  Product eco-labeling

  • Supply chain and logistic optimization

  • Carbon reduction strategies

  • Third party verification

  • Data driven corporate social responsibility

  • Fast and cost-effective product life cycle analysis from individual products to company portfolios


 I N F O R M E D B Y I N T E R N A T I O N A L S T A N D A R D S

CoClear’s approach is developed on the principles outlined by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol's Corporate Value Chain Life Cycle Reporting Standard, the CDSB Climate Change Reporting Framework and the Global Reporting Initiative.

By correlating environmental and financial supply chain data, we help brands make informed decisions to create better products.